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Two Curves in Change Management

Kubler Ross and Innovation Diffusion Curves

Many change initiatives fail or do not have lasting impacts. We’ll look into the key factors behind it through Kubler Ross and Innovation Diffusion curves

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The Red Flag In Front Of Asset Based Consulting

Red Flag Act

Asset Based Consulting (ABC) isn’t a new concept in the consulting industry. Comparing with the traditional people-based consulting, ABC provides many benefits to customers, consulting companies and individual consultants. However, it’s yet widely (effectively) adopted. In this article,…

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Design Thinking on Set-Based Design (SBD)

Set-Based Design (SBD)

When we are in a product development lifecycle, we often face a situation when we have to make a design decision upon multiple viable options. Down the line our choice may not turn out to be the best…

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MicroProcesses – a Multi-level Process Mapping Practice


MicroProcesses, a multi-level process mapping method, that helps you map process definition in multiple levels with improved flexibility, extendability and user experience.

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