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FaaS Comparison – AWS vs Azure vs GCP

FaaS Comparison - CloudStudio

In our Cloud Product Mapping article, we’ve mapped Compute – FaaS services provided by AWS, Azure and Google Cloud (GCP). We’ll compare these three vendors’ FaaS services with more details in this article. About Serverless and FaaS Before…

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Web Redirect via .htaccess

Web Redirect via .htaccess

In our Web Redirect via AWS Route 53 article, we’ve talked about how to redirect a domain name to another website. In this article, we’ll talk about how to use different types of Apache directives within a .htaccess…

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Compliance Comparison – AWS vs Azure vs GCP

Compliance Comparison

“Moving to the cloud” appears more and more in organizations’ strategy and roadmap nowadays. Along the migration, “Regulatory Compliance” also becomes a hot topic. In fact, regulatory compliance is always a hot topic, but its temperature raises more…

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Storage Service Comparison – AWS vs Azure vs GCP

Storage Comparison AWS vs Azure vs GCP

AWS, Azure and GCP are key players in the cloud storage market. We will compare the storage services from these three Cloud Service Providers (CSP) in this article.

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Monitoring Service Comparison – AWS vs Azure vs GCP (Part 2)

Following the Part 1 article, we’ll go through the remaining parts, including View, Act and Cost comparison among these three Cloud Service Providers (CSP) in this article.

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Monitoring Service Comparison – AWS vs Azure vs GCP (Part 1)

Monitoring Service Comparison AWS vs Azure vs GCP

In our Cloud Product Mapping article, we’ve mapped Monitoring services provided by AWS, Azure and Google Cloud (GCP). We’ll compare these three vendors’ monitoring services with more details in two articles, starting from this one.

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VPN Service Comparison – AWS vs Azure vs GCP

VPN-AWS vs Azure vs GCP

In our Cloud Product Mapping article, we’ve mapped VPN services provided by AWS, Azure and Google Cloud (GCP). In this article, we’ll compare these three vendors’ VPN services with more details. Theory Before we start the comparison, let’s…

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Cloud Product Mapping – AWS vs Azure vs GCP

AWS vs Azure vs GCP products and services

More and more companies start to adopt multi-cloud strategy nowadays. This article provides a category-by-category mapping for cloud products/services from AWS, Azure and GCP(Google Cloud) with reference links pointing directly to these CSP’s product home page. A few notes…

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GCP’s Cloud Adoption Framework

GCP Cloud Adoption Framework

Having gone through both AWS and Azure’s Cloud Operating Model (COM) in our previous articles, we’ll take a look at how Google Cloud (GCP) approached it in this article. Similar to AWS and Azure, GCP have a well…

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AWS’s Cloud Operating Model Framework

AWS Cloud Operating Model

We’ve discussed how Azure define a cloud operating model in our previous article. Azure have set the Cloud Operating Model (COM) as part of their Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF). The COM and CAF together have covered the three…

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Azure’s Cloud Operating Model Framework

Azure Cloud Operating Model

What is a cloud operating model? When we ask this question, we probably will get many different answers. If we extend the question by asking, what does it contain? We will get various answers too. But we can…

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AWS VPC to VPC Connection Options

VPC Connection

AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is one of the most popular features of AWS. It provides a logically isolated network layer for the compute instances. But when users have multiple VPCs, how to connect them together so that the compute instances from different VPCs can communicate with each other. We’ll go through the VPC connection options in this article.

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Azure Lighthouse

Azure Lighthouse

We’ve talked about AWS cross-account management options in our Assume Role and SSO articles. How do we effectively manage subscriptions and services across multiple tenants in Azure? Azure Lighthouse submits a good answer to this question. We’ll talk more about the Azure Lighthouse service in this article.

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AWS Route 53 – Web Redirect

web redirect

When you have a website URL that is lengthy and difficult to remember, you can set up a easy-to-remember domain name to redirect to the URL.

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AWS CLI Commands – Output Formats

AWS CLI Output Format

AWS CLI supports different types of output formats. We will go through the format specifications and filtering options in this article.

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AWS CLI Commands – Bulk Operations

AWS CLI Bulk Operations

CLI can achieve bulk operation outcomes that GUI may not be able to achieve. We will show you how to use AWS CLI to do bulk operations.

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AWS Cross Account Access – SSO


AWS Single Sign-On is a cloud-based SSO service. We will explore how it works by walking through an end-2-end use case in this article.

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AWS Role Assumption Configuration

Role Assumption Configuration

IAM users and applications can access resources across accounts using role assumption. Configuration steps provided for both scenarios.

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